June 6, 2009


I don't know how to say her name, but it is sexy and so is she! Ayiiia is of Mexican descent and speaks fluent Spanish, but the show will be her first extended stay in the country.

She didn't just get on the show for her beauty though. She has a history of drug abuse and cutting ... and surprise, surprise ... an attitude that can get a little bit out of control. She was also the realworldcasting.com winner, so hopefully she doesn't turn into another Greg from Real World: Hollywood.


  1. She looks cute, but for some reason I think she is going to be a troublemaker. I just get the feeling she is going to be like Spetlana (sp?) from RW: Key West.

  2. she's hot, but not as hot as she is in that picture above.

  3. Wow stephanie... good call..
